Self-connect flights and off-season destinations

A really great way to save some time and money while traveling internationally, is by booking self-connect flight itineraries to off-season destinations. Non-interlining flight itineraries, or self-connect itineraries, include at least 2 flights on different airlines who are not in an alliance or partnership.

The Dohop flight search engine presents these self-connect itineraries in our search results, which we generate by analyzing and packaging flights by schedule and pricing between any two points globally.  The benefit of self-connect itineraries is often time and money saved.

Booking flights in September can already save you money. But you can get additional savings by traveling to off-season destinations.

Martinique and Costa Rica in the off-season

Credit: eddy_clio, Flickr CC

Credit: eddy_clio, Flickr CC

December in Martinique marks the beginning of the dry season, which sees tourists from all over the world descending on the small island to enjoy its temperate climate and getaway from winter.

But the last weeks of November and beginning of December can also be a great time to visit Martinique. Rainy season lets up at this time and businesses are anxious to get a jump on the tour season. You can often find great deals for tours, hotels and of course low cost flights. 

See flights to Martinique


The grass is always greener on the other side of the [tour season].


Whether you are looking for lower prices on food, reduced rates on tours, or great deals on lodging, you will find it during these glorious [off-season] months.” —Under30Experiences

Our friends at Under30Experiences, who we met during Startup Iceland conference a few years back, have a lot of great things to say about the off-season in Costa Rica in their latest blog post. As an organization who has brought several groups to visit Costa Rica and even inspired some of their employees to actually move there, they have some great insider insight.

Avoid the crowds and come in the rainy season between June & November. It’s cooler, there are less people, and you likely won’t get fried after the first day on the beach.”

Find flights to Costa Rica


Save further with all-inclusive tour packages.

credit: Under30Experiences

credit: Under30Experiences

Sometimes bus and guided tours are the most efficient means of seeing a lot of key sites at any destination without the hassle of planning, especially on stop-overs. Whether visiting the Blue Mountains of Australia or the glaciers and highlands of Iceland, experienced guides can really make your trip. 

But if you prefer getting a more curated and personalized experience without dealing with the logistics, consider experience companies like Tropicanyon in Martinique or Under30experiences who run experiences in Iceland, Ireland, Bali, Costa Rica, Machu Puchi / Peru,  Mexico and several other great locations, and offer immersive, community-driven small group adventures, focused on the local experience.

Visit Under30Experiences 

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