Have you used your phone to search for and book a flight? How about a last minute hotel?

Mobile is growing fast. In fact, chances are that you are reading this on your phone. (So far in June, 51% of visitors to this blog have been using their mobile phones.)

Mobile growth in travel

The following graph shows how the devices you are using to search for flights on Dohop has been changing, and changing quickly, in the last three years. This does not take into account the people who are using our app to find flights.

Desktops, the yellow line, are clearly losing ground to mobile phones at an increasing rate.

Tablets, once thought of as the next big thing, quickly reached about 8% but have not grown from there. With bigger and better performing mobile phones, users are not turning to tablets but are approaching the usage of desktops. While desktop computers will never be fully replaced by the mobile phone, their position in the home may be threatened.

If we extrapolate the chart, mobile devices will overtake desktops at the beginning of next year.

Google claim that in at least ten countries, more searches are already being made on mobile phones than on any other device. (See Building for the next moment)

App World

Interest in travel-related apps has been growing in step with the increase movement from desktops to mobile phones, as can be seen on this trend graph from Google Trends. This shows searches made for “travel apps” from January 2009 to the end of May this year.

In April of this year, Google started displaying a “Mobile-friendly” marker next to sites in their search results. Dohop has been “mobile-friendly” for years now, and will continue to innovate with mobile travellers in mind.

The post Graph – This Is How Fast Mobile Is Growing in Travel appeared first on Dohop Travel Blog .

Dohop Travel Blog