Last week was a good week in the world of travel blogging. Our top 5 list includes everything from a terrible experience in Capri to an amazing adventure in Cajas National Park in Ecuador. Auður at IheartReykjavík goes over some of the weirdest phrases that are used in Iceland and Brooke at World of Wanderlust tells us everything we need to know about amateur travel photography. Check out these stories below for some good-old-fashioned travel inspiration.

number12“You Really Don’t need to visit Capri”

We’re used to reading about how amazing people’s visits are, but this blog post from Geraldine, at The Everywhereist, is a little different. Read about her experience in Capri, and find out why it turned out to be a disappointment.



“15 peculiar Icelandic phrases that leave you scratching your head”

Auður at IheartReykjavík writes about some Icelandic phrases that sound very strange when translated into English, to say the least. Only Icelanders would use a phrase that involves splashing dairy products.

child scratch head itching isolated on white


“How to save money for a round the world trip”

The good people at Travel With a Mate go over some good money-saving tips for travel.




“Travel photography: Everything you need to know”

Brooke at World of Wanderlust gives her unique perspective on travel photography and writes about some of the most important things to keep in mind when taking photos while traveling.




“Extravagant food and losing our way at Cajas National Park in Ecuador”

Bianca at Nomadbiba writes about her travels in one of Ecuador’s most spectacular areas, the Cajas National Park. Just seeing the photos should make you want to put Ecuador on your bucket list.

Admiring the view at El Cajas National Park in Ecuador

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