We are always trying to make Dohop better for you.

Here are a few things that have secretly been improved and updated on Dohop in the last few weeks.

Price Alerts

Price Alert

When you are looking for a flight for a trip you are thinking about, it would be nice to know if the price drops, right?

Well, now you can sign up for a Price Alert and get an email if the price drops. Set your notice point (default set to the current lowest price) and just wait by your inbox.

Sort by Provider

After you have completed a search, there are a number of ways you can filter the search to find the flight you want. One of those ways has been to sort by airline (say you only wanted to fly with British Airways, for instance).

Now, you can sort by providers as well. So if you only want to see prices from eBookers, for instance, or don’t want to see prices from a provider you don’t like, you can do that.

Just open the “Providers” filter and select the ones you want. The following is the flight-provider options available for a flight from Manchester to Barcelona. (This is a list of who sells the ticket, not necessarily the airline you fly with).

So there you have it. Two additions to the Dohop search results that will help you find your perfect flight.

The post 2 New Ways Dohop Makes Finding Your Next Flight Even Easier appeared first on Dohop Travel Blog .

Dohop Travel Blog